ISICO Alliance

Excellence in spi​ne care

W​elcome to the ISICO Alliance


​Previous completion of an ISICO course by ISICO Alliance professionals based on their specialization such as MD, PT or orthotist
Constant clinical support by ISICO to encourage the growth of the local professional team thus the therapeutic approach for the patient grows


Customise your Alliance with these options:
Brace design or brace delivery
Training of a local orthotist equipping them with the skills necessary to manage the entire process of SPoRT (Symmetric, Patient-oriented, Rigid, Three-dimensional, active) braces production 
Delivering SEAS (Scientific Exercise Approach to Scoliosis) courses on the local territory
Scoliosis Manager, the software developed by ISICO providing a uniform data collection protocol
ISICO iOS-Android app featuring specific functions for patients and practitioners
Telemedicine services, delivered to local patients directly by ISICO

Commitment of an Isico Alliance Center 

Adherence to SOSORT guidelines to ensure consistency and excellence in patient care 
Participation to the regular online clinical case review meetings
Engagement of at least three years as a commitment to mutual seriousness and confidence


ISICO (Italian Scientific Spine Institute) was founded in 2003 to promote a scientific approach to  the rehabilitation of people with spinal pathologies. ISICO stands out at national and international levels, particularly in case of spinal deformities, using protocols and tools of scientifically proven efficacy.
In all these years more than 60,000 patients treated, more than 280 scientific papers in indexed literature, further to nearly 10,000 professionals trained in our national and international in-house, and online courses.

About ISICO Alliance 

The ISICO Alliance was born to give proper answers to the requests we periodically receive in ISICO, mainly when we deliver our international courses.
Many practitioners ​need help in building the team to appropriately treat their patients, applying (proper) braces, organising new activities, or providing better care to their patients, taking advantage of the experience and ongoing innovation ISICO realises day by day.

ISICO Services for the Alliance


​Brace Delivery: ISICO takes care of the entire production cycle of the prescribed brace in the workshops in Italy through a series of patient images, body scans, critical measurements, and X-ray images, supplied by the affiliate
Brace Design: ISICO gives its assistance  in designing the brace that will be produced in loco, according to the SPoRT principles (Symmetric, Patient-oriented, Rigid, Three-dimensional, active), ​further to the support during the final adaptation of the brace for the patient


​Local ​orthotist training: ISICO equips them with the skills necessary to manage the entire process of SPoRT braces, from their design to the final adaptation for the patient.
The training includes completing the Sforzesco online course and on-site training provided for at least three days by an experienced ​orthotist
SEAS: the physiotherapist of the ISICO Alliance has also the opportunity to organise  periodically SEAS courses in the area. This allows to acquire the skills to become a teacher of the SEAS approach in agreement with ISICO

Best Technology for the best care

​ScoliosisManager constantly updates through an internal collaborative effort between software engineers, physicians, and ​physiotherapists to manage all clinical activities and to increase the efficiency and efficacy of their work
ISICO App enhances the user experience and patient care. It’s integrated with the physiotherapy section in ScoliosisManager thanks to the possibility of recording videos of the exercises to facilitate the execution of the treatment plan
ISICO TELEMEDICINE services are integrated into our clinical services. Telemedicine may be delivered to local patients directly by ISICO practitioners for complex or particular cases

Excellence care for patient 
Excellence approach for the center

A team-based approach constantly improved through new scientific evidence published in the literature or identified by ISICO and converted into daily clinical tools to share with its partners.
Together we place the individual at the core of the treatment.
The rehabilitation team builds the therapeutic path, wherein different professionals collaboratively engage with the patient and the family using common and shared tools, from SEAS exercises to SPoRT braces to a team-based cognitive-behavioural approach, and with the support of exclusive technology specifically designed.
A multidisciplinary team that takes care of the patient, tailoring the rehabilitation approach.

Join the ISICO Alliance

The best evidence-based skills, rehabilitation treatment, and the internationally recognised know-how of ISICO are at your disposal.
Innovative and continuously updated tools to offer the best treatment path to the patient.
Public visibility, thanks to the dissemination activities of ISICO.

Have you been attracted by this opportunity to benefit from our experience and expertise, and do you wish to join the Alliance?

Maybe you are only interested in some of the options we are offering according to your needs, or you just want to ask for more information?

Send us an email

Thus, the collaboration grows, the local professional team grows, and the ​therapeutic approach to patients grows